Tuesday, July 03, 2007

MPD Alert

I try to keep all my people under control here, but sometimes they just won’t shut up. If I want to get anything done the next few days, I need to mention a few things just to get them off my back.

Here’s your Public Service Announcement for the day: Never Use Dry Heat. I’ve been dealing with a headache for several days, so after a follow up with my primary doc for my blood pressure, she sent me off to the chiropractor. He said when dealing with inflammatory pain, always use a moist towel with your heating pad. In the long run, dry heat makes the inflammation worse.

I feel another episode of Backspace (thanks, Lovi—claim your margarita next time you’re over) coming on. In case your monitor isn’t blurry because of all the bouncing and giggling going on, Holly and her Dearly Beloved are coming to see me for a few days. Lainy will do an over-nighter on the way to visit her sons, too. So I’ll be busy eating (and drinking) and visiting (and drinking) and cooking (and drinking) and laughing (and drinking). Somewhere in there, Holly wants to write a blog, but I’m afraid there won’t be much reading going on, so I’ll have to play catch up.

Shortly after I wrote about the beaver on the lake, I think he died. However, now I think we have a heron/egret/ibis/some kind of Big Bird family going on. I’ve seen the one…or maybe the other…for a few years. I haven’t got a picture yet—either I don’t have my camera, or he flies off just as I’m getting ready to take the perfect one. As I was leaving yesterday, three birds took off at once. Mama and Papa for sure, I just couldn’t tell if the third was the same kind of bird or not. But still, at least two of them. How cool is that?

One of us heard there may be access to an incriminating picture somewhere on this page. That’s all the info you Enquiring Minds are going to get.

I heard an advertisement for an organization/storage store on the radio the other day. The woman commented that her closet used to be the most embarrassing room in the house. Room??? Is that the latest in home buying? 3 bed/2 bath/2 closet…and here we have the master bedroom, but wait until you see the closet, it’s a room in itself! Huh, and all this time I was thinking my closets were unique.

Check my site or Holly’s in the next few days, one of us might sober up long enough to write something. Have a happy and safe 4th of July. Phlegm, Kate, wish y’all could be here, too. We’ll drink one for you. Then we’ll drink one to you! Then we’ll drink…



Kate said...

I get the idea! *laughs* I wish I was joining you all too! Maybe next time?

phlegmfatale said...

wish I were there, too. Little did I know (until this morning) that husband canceled his flight home today to fly home Sunday, after he goes to church with his friends. Bully.

WOOHOO! Bachelorettedom!!!

I had a sassy conversation with a man today who Called me "Mistress Rita" at some point. I had playfully joked about setting up a pillory by the community mailbox to publicly flog the worst tenant each week. He fairly purred that when he said it. Should I hang a shingle and finally open my house of domination? *LOL*

Yeah, wish I were there - I feel it's time I pull a good drunk, for a change -it's been aeons. Miss ya, Hols!

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

HollyB said...

Oy, My Gatos! Flo's been spammed by the Portugese tee shirt troll now, too!
I'll try to get her to sit down at the 'puter long enough to tell y'all about the cooking lesson I gave KSA tother night. It was a blast and turned out quite deliciously.