Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thank You!

You all are just the best! Thank you so much for the support, and know that your prayers are working.

It’s Holly and Lainy’s fault I haven’t written. Holly was here last week, and Lainy got here today. But don’t give them too hard a time, I’ve had/am having a blast and it’s keeping me out of trouble. Well, major, bail me out of jail kind of trouble anyway.

Surgery is tomorrow, we’re keeping it simple. She’ll take a little more tissue from the area she took the tumor, then check lymph nodes. If they’re clear, she’ll insert a temporary catheter into the tumor cavity. The MRI results were fine, so as long as the final pathology report is good, there’s no fluid around the catheter, and there’s enough clearance between the catheter and the skin, I will be doing the short form of radiation. It’s called mammosite therapy, and twice a day for five days they will insert a seed through the catheter, radiate me, then take it back out. I’ll go for the final evaluations next week, then hopefully start the treatment the week after.

I was going to tell you about all the fun stuff I’ve been doing, but the mind sort of just went blank. Imagine that. So I’ll leave it to Holly to fill you in. I do know that she probably needed a couple of days sleep to recuperate from all the running around we did.

I’ll get back as soon as I can. Maybe I can get Holly to post a note about how surgery went, so check at her place. (Is that ok Holly? Can you do that for me? Can ya, please? Huh? Ok?)

Thanks again, y’all just give me goosebumps!



HollyB said...

Since Flo was gonna be NPO [Non Per Ora, that's Latin for nothing by mouth, NOT No Panties On, you Pervs] after midnight on Tuesday night, I was gonna call her around 11- 11:30. She got tired @ 10 tho and called me.
We laughed and laughed and when I know somethin' I'll post it over on my site. http://hollys-hystrionics.blogspot.com
I'm goin' out to dinner Wednesday night around 7, but I will post asap after that. Unless I know somethin' sooner.

SpeakerTweaker said...

I'm glad to finally hear something! I was gettin worried...

I'm soooo happy for you that things are looking promising! I figure that about a gazillion web-inspired prayers flowing your way oughta be enough to cure cancer worldwide; yours shouldn't be a problem.



phlegmfatale said...

Thinking of you and anxious for good news, honey!

phlegmfatale said...

WOOHOO! I just read your progress report over at Hols' place. I'm so pleased. *HUGS*

phlegmfatale said...

You know, honestly, I think the visit to you was a tremendous tonic for Holly, and she's seemed much elevated since coming back from MO, IMHO. Still thinking of ya, babe!

phlegmfatale said...

Still thinking of you, you fabulous thing, you!

NYC EMS said...

Stopped by to say Happy Thanksgiving!