Here I am, minding my own business, following up on treatment for breast cancer, cleaning the house and cooking for all the relatives that came to visit for Thanksgiving, trying to find the energy to shop and decorate for Christmas, figuring out what to do about Christmas cards, when out of the blue, in response to this post (be sure to notice the date), I receive this:
That quote, ‘somewhere a true believer is training to kill you’ can be found here:
’Somewhere a True Believer is training to kill you. He is training with minimal food or water, in austere conditions, training day and night. The only thing clean on him is his weapon and he made his web gear. He doesn't worry about what workout to do - his ruck weighs what it weighs, his runs end when the enemy stops chasing him. This True Believer is not concerned about 'how hard it is;' he knows either he wins or dies. He doesn't go home at 17:00, he is home.
He knows only The Cause.
Still want to quit?’
Flo, you don't want to plagiarize someone elses work now do you?
Posted by JD to Flying Flo's Forum at 24 November, 2007 08:55”
Again, notice the date.
I have a few things to say before I answer the question.
First, get a life, JD. Life is precious, and instead of searching the web for possible True Believer plagiarisms, you ought to spend some of that time with family and friends. If I were one of them, I wouldn’t care much for your priorities if you were out making questionable comments on nearly 11-month-old blogs, instead of sitting around killing time with me.
Second, are you proud to be defending the PS website in such a way that you totally detract from the essence of a post? Did you even read the damn post? My sole purpose in writing that particular post was to pay homage to members of our military that were out risking their lives to defend our freedoms and lives back home. As a former soldier, it disgusts me that you’re more concerned about proper credit being given to a quote, than about the welfare of our military. I don’t supposed it occurred to you to say something to the effect of, “Thanks for remembering the troops, Flo! BTW, that info about the True Believer is from a quote that can be found at”
Maybe I’d be thanking you for pointing that out, instead of calling you a moron.
Third, what does an “adminstrator” do? Oh, was that a typo? Hm, perhaps you should use a spell checker. And a grammar checker.
Fourth, yes, I do happen to know that quote can be found at the PS website. I know that because you also stirred up the SOS at my friend’s blog. Eleven months ago. After she copied that particular post to her blog and said she had gotten it from my site. Eleven months ago. A little slow, aren’t you? I also know I found several other references claiming credit for that quote, which I believe included some high mucky-muck at some elite soldier course graduation. Just because that particular quote is located on your site doesn’t mean a thing to me. As much of a stink as you’re raising, show some proof. But not to me—I don’t give a rat’s ass.
Fifth, in answer to your question: No, I don’t want to plagiarize. It’s a good thing I didn’t, or I might have to apologize. According to, plagiarism means “1.) the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, or 2.) something used and represented in this manner.” (plagiarism. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved November 24, 2007, from website:
So fuck you and the horse you rode in on. (Oh dear, I hope that’s not plagiarized.)
Now, as opposed to wasting time like you do, ranting about this has actually been very beneficial for me. Because I feel EVER so much better now.
Some people can't seem to mind their own business, huh? That's a dirty bird for ya.
Glad you're back.
Love you!
While you're at it, ask him if he can somehow track down Major Caudill, USMC (ret), and tell him to stop blatantly plagiarizing Marko's posts from the Munchkin Wrangler.
Now AD, you know I'd do just about anything for you...I'd accept your suggestion instead of an apology to me, but if it took almost 11 months to track down and falsely accuse little ol' me...well, I'm not sure JD is up to the task.
Actually, Flo, the quote is, "Damn you. And the horse that brung ya."
You wouldn't want to....
Awww, hell. I can't type it with a straight face;)
BTW, nice to see you posting again!
Dahm, Sistah, you really are back. And in FINE form.
If JD was doing his job runnin' that site, he'd have noted in OUR correspondence,11 frickin' months ago, that I got the "True Believer" from you and that you had gotten it from a friend's letter.
He also would have noted, if he read the content on his OWN flippin' site, that I contacted NDD and apologized. That should have settled the issue.
Evidently, he has enough time to look for evidence of "plagairism" [wonder who taught him that polysyllabic word] but not enough time to look in his own archives for references to other sites where the quote is found. Or maybe he's just slow.
Actually, I think you showed remarkable restraint in your reply. I have seen you in action in RL and I know you could have unloaded a full magazine on his sorry ass, so I am impressed that you on used the F bomb once.
I'll also bet that you attained Rank and that you sleep on a regular basis with a Professional Soldier with more Rank than this Asshat ever dreamed of attaining. It speaks well of your character that you didn't pull rank on this clown while castigating him.
I would be really interested in knowing just how much time he's put in, LATELY; as in since 2002. And how much of that time, JD's time, was in someplace hot and sandy. Wouldn't you?
Anyhoo...good to see you writin' again, even if it took gettin' your dander up to do it.
Oh, Hell, it's really Holly, not JPG, but if I sign out and back in the comment will get lost...try to Deal.
I have to admit I snorted at the sight of you tearing that asshat a new one - he's a bit of a one-note symphony, and a wrong-headed one, at that. What a maroon.
Good to see you firing on all cylinders, you fabulous thing!
I don't even know what this is all about since I didn't know any of you at that time...but damn, girl, it's good to see you posting again! *hugs*
happy Christmas, dahlink! I'll see you next week!
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