Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Immigrant vs. Squatter

immigrate. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1)
to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for permanent residence.

squat. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1)
to settle on or occupy property, esp. otherwise unoccupied property, without any title, right, or payment of rent.

I believe that if you’re going to move here and set up shop keeping, especially with the idea of never voluntarily returning to your country of origin, whether you plan on becoming a citizen of this country or not, you should do it legally. If we have a problem with illegal immigration, yet we need illegal immigrants, change the laws to make it easier from this day forward to immigrate. Don’t change the law to make illegal immigrants magically legal. Don’t reward breaking the law.

As a Catholic, that’s not the way I’m supposed to think. However, for some reason, I can’t help but think as a responsible parent. I lay down the law to my kids, and I expect them to obey. I’m open to revising some of my rules, but that doesn’t mean the original rules are thrown out the window during negotiations. Ignoring the current rules, in fact, would tend to make me a little less flexible (I think it’s that stubborn Belgian again).

So, if you come to this country with the idea of staying, yet you don’t do it legally, doesn’t that make you a squatter?

I ask this because we have recently seen signs of a squatter on our land, and now I have the pictures to prove it. I just cannot believe the sheer gall of some…creatures (I’m certainly not going to call it human). Cutting down our wood. Building a home on our property. Didn’t even ask our permission. Of all the nerve!

I’m not going to argue, though. Look at the size of this thing:

You probably can’t tell from the pictures, but the tail is wrapped around like a cat does, and it’s as long as the body. I don’t want to get smacked around by that thing. And this isn’t a busy beaver, either. I don’t think he does much but chow down on the fish and lounge in the sun. I swear it’s getting bigger by the day. Maybe he’s a she that’s gonna be a we.



Anonymous said...

Don't get very close. They are mean.
Enjoy him/her. Maybe you'll have a neew family move in.

Funny story. Glad you're back to your old self

Ambulance Driver said...

Let me be the first to drag this into the gutter:

Gee Flo, that's one big, hairy beaver ya got there!

Thanks folks, I'll be here all week.Try the veal, and be sure to tip your waitress.

DW said...

I think Flo, they eat vegies only.

HollyB said...

Great pics! And with the looks of those teeth...I wouldn't want to tangle with her , either!
And AD, knew we could count on YOU for the hi-brow comment, *g*

Flo said...

[sniff] What didn't you like about the new self, Lainy?

Thanks, DW, Hubby doesn't have to worry about his precious stock being depleted now.

AD, GMTA, as Holly said exactly what was on my mind. Maybe you're getting too predictable? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I just meant you were back to telling us stories, stop your whinning.

Must think so much of oneself!