Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Did ya see Holly slap me upside the head in her last comment? That hurt! Geez-o-pete, you’da thunk I didn’t have anything better to do the last several days other than write for her amusement! Excuuuuuuuuuuuse me if I was busy cooking and cleaning and singing and playing guitar and eating and visiting and researching and and…..yeah! And I did SO cook, Lainy!

I am so abused, I think I need a vacation. Let’s see what the Goddess has to say when I don’t write for…for…for a lot of days!

Just wait. Even though I’ll be in her very own house, I bet she still thumps me!

I WAS going to tell you all about my power shopping trip, but I’m just too traumatized to think about it now. So if you all are needing some major appliances for your house, you’ll just have to wait. And you can blame it all on Holly.

Before I leave, I want to point you all to a new blogger buddy, Diamond Mair. Lovely lady with an interesting story that includes her time as a U.S. Marine, and a new business you can find a link to at her blog. Drop by, tell her Flo sent you, and pass the word along to your friends.

From her comments, you’d think I planned on spending the weekend at Holly’s inebriated. Let me assure you that I will come up for air—at least for an hour to go to Mass.

Have a happy, healthy, safe New Year’s celebration, and I’ll see you again in 2007!



HollyB said...

Dear Flo Readers,
go read my 2nd comment on her last blog, please. I'll wait.
Now, did I anywhere in that comment threaten to HIT her? NO, I most certainly did NOT! Chain her to my desk chair? YES. Withhold alcoholic refreshment of the most WONDROUS kind? Yes. But I emphatically deny threatening to HIT her.
I love Flo. And once she started typing, I'd probably have relented and let her have small sips of a frozen mango daquiri.
It's a moot point now, she wrote today, and that's all I REALLY wanted.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Holly! You got a rise out of her and she felt forced to write something new. Even if to blame you for saying something you didn't.
I could care less if I ever see those gift wrap sites again!
And Flo, my dear, using the microwave doesn't count as cooking!

HollyB said...

Thanks, Lainy. You are now officially my fav of Flo's Sis-in-Loves!
Vindication is MINE!

Diamond Mair said...

Frozen mango daiquiris? Sound GOOD!! {giggling maniacally ................ ;) }
Semper Fi'