Monday, July 16, 2007

My Week

It has been such a traumatic week, I don’t know how long it will take to recover. Holly and her DB left a week ago. I spent Thursday evening in the ER. Lainy did come back Friday, but SHE left me Saturday morning. And, my nephew, Levi (Lovi’s son), was dumped at my house for over 24 hours.

If you’re in need of a really good set of kitchen knives, let me know and I’ll put you in touch with a very nice salesman. His name is MFS and he’s selling Cutco this summer. I must warn you, though, they are sharp. They scared me even before I sliced open my poor little pinkie. But did MFS have any sympathy for his mother? No. First, he wanted to know why I had my finger in the way, then he informed me that I was using the wrong “tool” for the job. So he didn’t get any Key Lime Pie. Of course, neither did anyone else, since I was only halfway through the second lime when the knife decided my finger looked like a lime.

Five stitches in my little bitty pinkie. At least I finally have the tube bandage off and can semi type without hitting three keys at once with my finger.

The doc made me a little nervous, though. The first time he came in to look at it, he asked how long it had been since my last tetanus shot. I knew he hadn’t seen the chart when I answered that it had been 15 or 20 minutes.

The nurse’s station was right across from me, and a little later I heard one of the nurses go up to him and say, “You ordered 10cc and it comes 25mg/10cc, so I just wanted to make sure you wanted 25mg.” He mumbled a few seconds and said he thought he wanted 250mg, and the nurses said, “No, that’s Keflex.” So he said, “Oh, you’re right. Then that’s ok.” Then he came into my room to sew my finger. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I did feel a little bad when, after going on and on and on about what he was going to do and why, he told me I was braver than he was because I was watching him as he stitched me up, I couldn’t take it any more and finally told him I had been an ER nurse. There was a kind of awkward moment when he was probably thinking, “Gee, don’t I feel stupid rattling on about stuff you already knew.”

MFD was at guitar lessons when we left, so I had called to tell her we were at the hospital. “You’re at the hospital? Can I come see you?” I told her I was just in the ER waiting for them to look and see if I needed stitches. Then she asked, “Are you bleeding…profusely?” I gave KSA a dirty look and I told her she spent too much time around her father.



Ambulance Driver said...

LOL...look at it this way can just stick your pinkie finger out for the next 7-10 days and people will just think you're classy. ;)

Flo said...

Gee thanks, AD, your sympathy is overwhelming. But I'll have you know I'm already classy. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Just how much sympathy do you want? Let me bow down on my knees and say again I'M Sorrrrrrrrrrrrrryyy! Feel better now?

HollyB said...

Yeah, AD...where's all this vaunted SCHMOOZIN' you're supposed to be so good at? Give Flo some sympathy, already. She's been Traumatized! Why, I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't come down with Fibromyalgia from the shock and pain of this accident!

phlegmfatale said...

awwwww, poor lamb. Sorry about your pinkie and about the pie. Glad it weren't worse, though. And it sounds like you had a little fun with the ER doc.

Ambulance Driver said...

Tell ya what I'll do...I'll crank up my waaaambulance and drive up there and take those oochy woochy stitches out myself, yes I will! ;)

There now! That's the most sympathy I've shown in a while. I think I sprained something.

HollyB said...

Oh, Oh, Oh, Let me know what day you're gonna be there AD. I'll drive up and meet you! Or better yet, I probably live closer to you than Flo does, why don't we have her come to MY house and you come here to take those icky stitches out. We can make a party of it. Maybe you need Babs to assit you in that endeavor, huh?

Flo said...

No no no no no no no. I'm weak from blood loss, remember? I can't be driving all over the country. Y'all have to come up here. Holly can hold one hand, Lainy the other, Phlegm can take pics, and I'll give AD an ace and ice for his sprain. Then we can all have a margarita.