Thursday, August 02, 2007

Why Do People Have Sex?

Oh great! This is just what I needed to change the rating of my blog from PG-13 to maybe an R. The only reasons it wasn’t G was because I had “knife” twice (I knew I should have cut myself with a spoon) and “bitch” once, when I was referring to a female dog.

As if that’s not bad enough, according to the Inkblot test, I’m a Buddhist Monk. I think they just couldn’t evaluate my write in answers

So. The University of Texas spent five years and, fortunately, their own money, researching why people have sex. After coming up with 237 reasons, 1500 college psychology students ranked the reasons from 1 to 5. Thank goodness they selected a representative segment of the population.

According to the study, the number one reason is because we are attracted to someone. Of course the findings are being disputed.

Reminds me of something a friend told me years ago. And he went to a seminary for high school, so I know he wouldn’t lie to me.

Seems the French spent $1 million studying the purpose of the head of the male’s penis. They determined it was to give the female greater sexual satisfaction.

Not to be outdone, the U.S. spent $5 million. They determined the purpose of the head of the penis was to give the male greater sexual satisfaction.

The Polish decided they wanted the world to start taking them seriously, so they conducted their own study. They spent $3.18 and determined the purpose of the head of the penis was to keep the hand from slipping off.

PG-13 and Buddhist Monk my foot.



Anonymous said...

Ah ha! Now I know you do think about sex after all! I knew Saint Flo had a devilish side. What in the world got into you( or should I ask), to write this blog?

Those Polish people are so cheap!

Anonymous said...

In other news, water has been determined to be wet and fire is hot. Film at 11.


phlegmfatale said...

har dee har har!

SpeakerTweaker said...

I can't believe I haven't read this before. I am SO blogrolling you now!

The whole "smiley face w/ gunshot wound T-shirt" thing was enough, but the Penis joke? That's a winner right there.

I must go catch up on your previous posts now.


Catmoves said...

Roared. I wonder if the Poles didn't get it right?
P.S. We used to use soph psych majors for white rats when the breeders couldn't produce anymore. The results were always statistically the same.

phlegmfatale said...

people have sex because they are preposterous creatures.