KSA adores her. He tries to make like he’s not an animal person. Especially an indoor dog person. But he’s really a softie.
Except he’s never taken to one of my animals so quickly, and never right off the bat.
He came home yesterday and there Addie is, looking up at him, wagging her tail, prancing back and forth on her front feet, and that was that. He goes on about how cute she is, he really likes her, and on and on. It’s almost disgusting. He’s telling me what to do—you ought to brush her, she’ll like that; if you get her to poop and take her back to the same spot, she’ll poop for you; yada yada. And he offered to walk her this morning, even when I told him it could take a while and he’d have to be patient and he had to keep her on the leash (we’ve been taking her to the field instead of to the fenced area downstairs).
She got here late yesterday morning and I think she’s finally settled down now. She walked and walked and walked yesterday, all around the house, with occasional stops to look at Smokey lying in one of the chairs. He just hissed if she got too close, but that was it, and off she’d go again. Tawney tried to sneak out from under our bed once, but Addie spied her and went to see her, so Tawney took back off to crawl under the bed. Addie went back and forth from one side to the other, then she’d crouch down and bark. She wanted to play with the kitties so badly. They still won’t have anything to do with her.
She’s not pacing all around today, though. She’s found herself a little spot by the door in my office, so she plops down and goes to sleep.
PJ and Harley are ok with her now. Of course they have to stick around when I’m outside with her, but they don’t follow her every move. And she’s perfectly fine with them, which is why I’d rather take her out to the field with them instead of the fenced area, because she’s used to having other dogs around.
I’m not quite sure what to do about her name, though. MFD and I love “Adrianna,” but it’s too long for everyday use. We don’t much care for “Addie,” and neither does KSA. Originally, I was going to try to keep it fairly close, but I think it’s going to be too confusing for me. A couple of times I have automatically said “Ellie” and when I realize what I’m doing, it goes to “Allie” and finally to “Addie.” So I may have to get completely away from it.
She has the most adorable face, it reminds me of something, I just can’t place it yet. I don’t know how well you can see on the pictures, but she has the black that goes around her eyes except the little touch of brown right above them, and a little stripe of black off to each side. And her tail looks like a fluffy little fox’s tail, with white right on the tip.
What a pretty girl, look at this face:
How’s about this fluffy tail:
Look how daintily she crosses her feet:
Name suggestions, anyone?
Zoey popped into my head.
I have NO idea why. None. Zip.
But, you could do what my friend did. She picked out three or four names that she liked, then as silly as it sounds, she sat down with her dog and told her the choices, and then tried each name out for a day. Her dogs usually picked out their own names due to their responses to what she called them.
But, why can't you just call her Ellie, if that's what makes you happy?
How about Belle or Princess?
Given your fondness for singing and the recent gig at Carnegie Hall, how about Aria?
She certainly looks like she could be a diva soon. ;)
I like AD's suggestion of "Aria" or "Diva", I know someone w/ a Rottie named "Diva". Do those paws crossed remind you of Boo and Ben? They do that all the time.
I'm glad you got her for the weekend. And what a surprise that KSA is takin' such a shine to her...HEY, how about Damsel to his Knight?
I'm thinking with the plumey tail and the crossed legs along with the face is classic Hollywood. Somthing along along the lines of Sophia (Sophie) Loren or Elizabeth (Lizzi) Taylor or Katherine (Katie) Hepburn.
Of course I like Katie *grin*
But, I'm with A.D. - I think Aria is an awesome name for her!
Aw, Flo - - She's a little darlin'.
I'm sure she'll just love whatever you choose to call her. I'm slightly unsure about HollyB's suggestion, Damsel, simply from what you get if you shorten it down. ;-)
Call her AD
I think she looks like a Molly or Bonnie or Flossie. Something girly and pretty, but down-to-earth. She's a lady.
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