Sunday, July 15, 2007

What Nursing Shortage?

My oldest nephew’s girlfriend graduated from nursing school this year. She had been given a sign-on bonus with one of the local hospitals. Turns out it wasn’t a job guarantee and it was only a bonus if you were actually hired, otherwise it was a loan. She interviewed for a couple of positions, and upon contacting them after not hearing back from them like they said they would, she was told they had no more positions for graduate nurses.

She talked to another hospital. Same story.

She has since been hired at a smaller community hospital, in the department she actually wanted. So it turned out for the best, but what a bunch of crap.

You’re not going to get an experienced nurse if you don’t give them the opportunity to get some experience. So don’t tell me you’re desperately in need of nurses, but you’re not willing to put forth the time to mentor them.



Anonymous said...

The Goddness is making me feel bad for you gettin" all those stitches. I didn't know the damn Key Lime Pie was for me so I guess I feel soory for you. Want me to come back and take care of you? I will in a heartbeat. My most heartfelt, deepest sympathies.

We are in a shortage of nurses and it's just awful that she has been treated this way. She's a sweet young woman and will show em what she's made of. Tell her I said good luck.

phlegmfatale said...

Shame on those hospitals for pulling the bait-and-switch on your niece- it's crappy for them to treat people that way. But all for the best in the end - I'm glad she ended up where she wanted to be.