Thursday, November 09, 2006


I had to learn all kinds of things when we moved back up here to a farm and got cattle. Such as, they really were smarter than Hubby gave them credit for.

I remember the first time a cow lost a calf during birth. She walked all around, calling for her baby. It was very sad. (I always said I should have been a vet instead of a nurse because I had a lot more sympathy for most animals than some of the people I cared for.)

They are also very protective. One time a deer jumped over a fence into the pasture, which caused a bit of a stir. The mama cows were grazing, and before they could get back to the herd, the older calves had surrounded the babies.

I learned things like this because we were using artificial insemination and that meant we (which usually meant me) had to go out twice a day to watch for signs of heat. But that’s another story.

Anyway, I learned there were certain factors involved with what a cow was called. In fact, a cow was actually not a cow until she had her first calf. Until then, she was a heifer. A bull calf became a steer when he was castrated (ohhhh, another story!).

And a steer brought up to the pen to be fed out with grain was called…………T-Bone.



Anonymous said...

I done tol' you and tol' you, Floozie...they not calves, they "cowlets" (snicker)....

Flo said...

Ok, are you two happy now? I fixed the thingies. Of course, I had to use IE to see them so I didn't have to edit by HTMLspeak. Don't y'all know Firefox is the latest and greatest? My bein' college edjicated son says IE is lame and everybody uses Firefox now. (I am kind of liking it now.)

BTW, real anonymous there, Cait. :p

Anonymous said...

Didn't mean to be anonymous - um, how far away from THAT moniker is my reality as Queen of our Quads...spppppttttt....anonymous...not bloody likely!

Will pay more attention to the signing you, darlin...

HollyB said...

Well, it's about TIME you posted a new blog! Thanks!
Altho, having spent some time around cows, and heifers, and bulls, and steers, I already knew that terminology. But I bet there are some city folks who are using new words around the water cooler today or tomorrow.
I've even milked cows. And churned butter, boy howdy, is that ever a bitch and a half of a job!
I've never had the pleasure, like YOU, of turning a bull into a steer. Fantasized about doing it to some of my Sex Offenders, but never did it to an animal. Never did the deed to turn a Stallion into a gelding,either.
BTW, did you ever eat calf fries?

Anonymous said...

I remember being at your place during the exciting occassion of trying to make a "heifer" become a "cow"......artificially of course. The whole time I'm walking out to the pens I'm thinking to myself that science is an amazing thing, that the process I'm about to see is indeed another one of God's miracles - ok - technology aside - having an offspring is a miracle.
Then I saw "the glove". I learned very quickly three things:
1. Plastic comes in bigger sheets than I thought
2.Miracles are NOT always beautiful and
3. I'm a a city girl