Thursday, November 02, 2006

Men Are From Mars

Listening to the (so far) non-Christmas radio station on the way back from dropping the girls off at school, the hosts were discussing a study that some anthropologists had conducted. Seems our sleeping habits can be traced back to caveman days. Seventy percent of men prefer to sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door, due to their protective nature. (How noble.) If the man is not home, the woman prefers to sleep on the man’s side or to cuddle his pillow. (How sweet.) However, when the woman is away, the man spreads out over the whole bed. (He waits until she’s gone??????)

Well, I’m one of the 30% that says I don’t care which side of the bed is closest to the door, my side of the bed is my side of the bed; so keep your behind (and head and shoulders and legs and feet) on your side of the bed.

And sleep on his side of the bed? Are you nuts? When Hubby is gone, I wash the sheets so I have a nice clean bed that I can spread out all over. It’s not just my side of the bed anymore, it’s my bed.

(However, I do have to admit that while he was in Iraq, I liked to keep his leather jacket close.)

So, I don’t think I’m from Mars or Venus. More likely Pluto. Yeah, the planet that was declared a non-planet. Hm, I wonder if they play non-Christmas music eleven out of twelve months of the year?



HollyB said...

I cannot BELIEVE your click ons for $$ are from the ARC!!! Is this some kind of a sick joke?

As fare as the bed thing goes...I hear better and wake up faster, therefore I sleep closest to the door. Also my dog doestn't have the bad habit of sleeping in the bathroom and shutting the door on herself so that she can't get out w/o human help, like HIS dog does. AND my bedside protection is BIGGER! Guess I'm from Saturn, it has all those pretty rings, just like I do.

HollyB said...

Oh, I forgot in the first comment, that was badly spleeed b/c I was typing fast.
How come you hid you site meter stats?
When they get high will you "uncloak" them?

Anonymous said...

My Beloved didn't give me any choice when determining who would sleep on which side of the bed. Very simply put, "I'm used to sleeping on this side and here's why" as he opened the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out a pistola. I was cool with that LOL.

When Beloved was in Iraq (get a two or more Army wives in a room with or without frozen Rita's and "war stories" will be told a la Lawdog and cops)I did the same with the clean sheets but would step into his walk-in closet from time to time just to breathe in his scent. I'm not sorry he's a little long in the tooth, and above the rank level they tend to send over, for him to go back - at least that's what I keep telling myself. Now just waiting for two friends to get their butts home - due back before Thanksgiving! Yipee!

phlegmfatale said...

You know, I sleep on the side closest to the nearest terlit.

and I'm SO with you on the clean sheets thing - I do that too. Yummy, clean cool sheets. Ahhhh.